Publikationen von Fupeng Li
Alle Typen
Sammelwerk (1)
柏林共和时代的德国法学 Bolin gonghe shidai de Deguo faxue [Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik]. The Commercial Press, Beijing (2021), 606 S.
Zeitschriftenartikel (6)
2024, S. 131 - 138 (2024)
2023 年度欧洲视角下的中国法律史研究评述 2023 niandu Ouzhou shijiao xia de Zhongguo falüshi yanjiu pingshu [2023 Review of Chinese Legal History from a European Perspective]. 中国法律史学年鉴 Zhongguo falüshixue nianjian [Almanac of Chinese Legal History Studies] 3.
27, S. 174 - 175 (2019)
Translating Weimar. Introductory Remarks. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 4.
27, S. 207 - 221 (2019)
Becoming Policy. Cultural Translation of the Weimar Constitution in China (1919–1949). Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 5.
32, S. 148 - 152 (2017)
近代中国宪法的精神线索与政教结构 [The Spiritual Clues across the Constitutions in Modern China, chinesisch]. The Way 6.
5, S. 146 - 158 (2015)
忠孝与神圣: 宪法上服兵役义务的法理变迁 [A Thesis on Jurisprudential Transition of the Duty of Military Service in Chinese Modern Constitutions, chinesisch]. The Jurist 7.
26 (4), S. 845 - 882 (2014)
共识与争议: 天坛宪草之孔教入宪的发生机制与规范结构 [Normative Structure and Mechanism: Writing Confucian Articles into Chinese Constitutions, chinesisch]. Peking University Law Journal Beitrag in Sammelwerk (1)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Bastias Saavedra, M.). Brill Nijhoff, Leiden; Boston (2021)
Time as Norm: The Ritual Dimension of the Calendar Book and the Translation of Multi-Temporality in Late Imperial China. In: Norms Beyond Empire. Law-Making and Local Normativities in Iberian Asia, 1500-1800, S. 329 - 349 (Hg. Rezension (1)
26, S. 443 - 445 (2018)
And or With Others: Normative Orders of Nations in South and Southeast Asia, c. 1500–1900 [Review of: Clara Kemme, Between Tribute and Treaty: Implementing the Law of Nations in South and Southeast Asia, c. 1500–1900 (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien 75), Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač 2017]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg Datenpublikation (1)
rg-mpg-de/fupeng: Citation Network Visualisation of two Drafts (1923 and 1936) of the Chinese Constitution (Version v1.0). Zenodo. (2020)