Startseite schlagwortseiten Legal Connectivities and Colonial Cultures in Africa De-missionise education? An exploration of the colonial legal framework for Protestant missionaries’ provision of education in South Africa and Zambia c. 1880 to 1930 Legal Connectivities and Colonial Cultures in Africa PhD Project Alicia Haripershad mehr Political Crime in Colonial Sudan During the Dual Rule of Britain and Egypt (1898-1914) Legal Connectivities and Colonial Cultures in Africa PhD Project Melike Batgıray Abboud mehr The forced exile of women to the peripheries of legal practice among the Asante (Ghana) under the British colonial empire, ca. 1890–1940 Legal Connectivities and Colonial Cultures in Africa PhD Project Paulien Broens mehr The imperial foundation of foreign direct investment: a study of the granting and evolution of concessions (1860-1900) Legal Connectivities and Colonial Cultures in Africa PhD Project Wafa Ben Mahmoud mehr Legal Connectivities and Colonial Cultures in Africa Legal Connectivities and Colonial Cultures in Africa Ehemalige Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe | Inge Van Hulle mehr Mehr anzeigen