Alle Typen
Monografie (1)
The Legacy of the Irish Parliamentary Party in Independent Ireland, 1922–1949. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool (2019), xv, 279 S.
Sammelwerk (1)
John Redmond and Irish Parliamentary Traditions. University College Dublin Press, Dublin (2024), xviii, 146 S.
Zeitschriftenartikel (7)
39 (2), S. 1 - 22 (2024)
'This Is a Sovereign Assembly': Popular Sovereignty, Parliament and the People in the Irish Free State. Irish Political Studies 4.
28, S. 22 - 25 (2023)
Digitisation, Democratisation and Debate: Archives and the Decade of Centenaries in Ireland. Irish Archives 5.
46 (169), S. 77 - 100 (2022)
Faith and Fatherland? The Ancient Order of Hibernians, Northern Nationalism and the Partition of Ireland. Irish Historical Studies 6.
30 (3), S. 22 - 25 (2022)
'A Notable Personage and a Freeman of the City': The Funeral of Richard 'Boss' Croker in Revolutionary Ireland. History Ireland 7.
26 (5), S. 834 - 854 (2019)
'Ireland’s Independence Day': The 1918 Election Campaign in Ireland and the Wilsonian Moment. European Review of History = Revue européenne d'histoire 8.
36 (2), S. 211 - 231 (2016)
'As Nearly Subservient' as it Could be? Vocationalism and Senatorial Speaking Behaviour in the Irish Senate 1938-45. Parliaments, Estates and Representation 9.
23 (1), S. 38 - 41 (2015)
'The Renewal of a Pledge of Faith'? 'John Redmond Days' in the South-East in the 1920s. History Ireland Beitrag in Sammelwerk (5)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
O’Donoghue, M.; Purcell, E.). University College Dublin Press, Dublin (2024)
The Irish Parliamentary Party and Its Successors. In: John Redmond and Irish Parliamentary Traditions, S. 74 - 87 (Hg. 11.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
O’Donoghue, M.; Purcell, E.). University College Dublin Press, Dublin (2024)
Introduction. In: John Redmond and Irish Parliamentary Traditions, S. 1 - 10 (Hg. 12.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Vocational Voices or Puppets of the Lower House? Irish Senators, 1938-48. In: Reforming Senates: Upper Legislative Houses in North Atlantic Small Powers 1800-Present, S. 202 - 215 (Hg. Bijleveld, N.; Grittner, C.; Smith, D. E.; Verstegen, W.). Routledge, London (2020)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
'We Should for the Present Stand Absolutely Aloof': Home Rule Perspectives on the Treaty Debate. In: The Treaty: Debating and Establishing the Irish State, S. 42 - 64 (Hg. Ó Fathartaigh, M.; Weeks, L.). Irish Academic Press, Dublin (2018)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
The 'Humdrum Little Town'? - Tuam at Easter 1916. In: Centenary Reflections on the 1916 Rising: Galway County Perspectives, S. 181 - 196 (Hg. Mannion, M.). Galway County Council, Galway (2016)
Rezension (11)
47 (171), S. 170 - 171 (2023)
[Review of: Erin Kate Scheopner: 'Miserable Conflict and Confusion': The Irish Question and the British National Press, 1916-22. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2022]. Irish Historical Studies 16.
38 (1), S. 147 - 148 (2023)
[Review of: Elaine Callinan, Electioneering and Propaganda in Ireland, 1917-21: Votes, Violence and Victory. Dublin: Four Courts Press 2020]. Irish Political Studies 17.
68, S. 159 - 160 (2022)
[Review of: Daire Hogan, Patrick Maume (eds), The Reminiscences of Ignatius O'Brien, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1913-18: A Life in Cork, Dublin and Westminster. Dublin: Four Courts Press 2020]. The Irish Jurist 18.
[Review of: Kenneth Shonk, Ireland's New Traditionalists: Fianna Fáil Republicanism and Gender, 1926-1938. Cork: Cork University Press 2021]. Irish Political Studies, S. 1 - 2 (2022)
47, S. 25 - 26 (2022)
[Review of: Joep Leerssen (ed), Parnell and His Times. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020]. Saothar: Journal of Irish Labour History 20.
41 (3), S. 392 - 394 (2021)
[Review of: Barry Whelan, Ireland's Revolutionary Diplomat: A Biography of Leopold Kerney. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press 2019]. Parliaments, Estates and Representation