Publikationen von Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez

Zeitschriftenartikel (17)

Ramírez Pérez, S.: Power Politics and the State in the Automobile Sector. Actes du GERPISA 37, S. 119 - 130 (2004)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk (21)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: Social Democracy and the Foundations of European Competition Policy and Law (1950–1973). In: The Development of European Competition Policy. Routledge, London (2024)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Klebaner, S.; Ramírez Pérez, S.: The European Automotive Industry: A Strategic Sector in Search of a New Industrial Policy. In: EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy, S. 304 - 331 (Hg. Defraigne, J.-C.; Wouters, J.; Traversa, E.; Zurstrassen, D.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham (2022)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: Iberian Trade Unions and the ETUC: From the Periphery to the Centre. In: A Multilevel Social Relations History: Unions into ETUC and ETUC into European Societies, S. 139 - 160 (Hg. Ciampani, A.; Tilly, P.). European Trade Unions Institute Press, Brüssel (2016)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: Introduction. In: España y la Unión Europea. A los treinta años del reencuentro tras la dictadura, S. 23 - 57 (Hg. Ramirez Perez, S.; Soriano, V. F.). Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca (2016)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; Fava, V.: Le Consortium pour les machines-outils (1966-1984) et Fiat: de la "voiture socialiste " aux stratégies de sortie de crise. In: Le monde du génie industriel au XXe siècle: autour de Pierre Bézier et des machines-outils, S. 257 - 271 (Hg. Benoit, S.; Michel, A. P.). Université de technologie de Belfort Montbéliard, Belfort (2015)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: The Legal Service. In: The European Commission 1973-1986: History and Memories of an Institution, S. 115 - 120 (Hg. Bussière, É.; Dujardin, V.; Dumoulin, M.; Ludlow, P.; Brouwer, J. W. et al.). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: Fashions: Business Practices in Historical Perspectives. In: Intégration économique et gouvernance européenne depuis les années cinquante, S. 131 - 152 (Hg. Schirmann, S.). Harmattan, Paris (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; Bussière, É.: Transport Policy in Transition. In: The European Commission 1973-1986: History and Memories of an Institution, S. 369 - 376 (Hg. Bussière, É.; Dujardin, V.; Dumoulin, M.; Ludlow, P.; Brouwer, J. W. et al.). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; Bussière, É.; Viñas, A.: Trade Policy and External Relations: New Dynamics. In: The European Commission 1973-1986. History and Memories of an Institution, S. 413 - 428 (Hg. Bussière, É.; Dujardin, V.; Dumoulin, M.; Ludlow, P.; Brouwer, J. W. et al.). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; Carter, C.; Smith, A.: Trade policy: all pervasive but to what end? In: The EU's Government of Industries. Markets, Institutions and Politics, S. 216 - 240 (Hg. Jullien, B.; Smith, A.). Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; Jullien, B.; Pardi, T.: The EU's government of the car industry: from "harmonization" to deep incompleteness. In: The EU's Government of Industries. Markets, Institutions and Politics, S. 57 - 84 (Hg. Jullien, B.; Smith, A.). Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; Ludlow, P.; Chatzistavrou, F.; Viñas, A.; Elvert, J.: The Mediterranean Challenge. In: The European Commission 1973-1986: History and Memories of an Institution, S. 429 - 444 (Hg. Bussière, É.; Dujardin, V.; Dumoulin, M.; Ludlow, P.; Brouwer, J. W. et al.). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; Montalban, M.; Smith, A.: Competition policy: ever present but far from all-conquering. In: The EU's Government of Industries. Markets, Institutions and Politics, S. 141 - 165 (Hg. Jullien, B.; Smith, A.). Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon (2014)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.; van de Scheur, S.: The Evolution of the Law on Articles 85 and 86 EEC [Articles 101 and 102 TFEU]: Ordoliberalism and its Keynesian Challenge. In: The Historical Foundations of EU Competition Law, S. 19 - 53 (Hg. Patel, K. K.; Schweitzer, H.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: Conclusions and Perspectives for Future Research. In: Alan S. Milward and a Century of European Change, S. 499 - 526 (Hg. Guirao, F.; Lynch, F. M. B.; Ramirez Perez, S.). Routledge, New York (2012)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: The European Committee for Economic and Social Progress: Business Networks between Atlantic and European Communities. In: Transnational Networks in Regional Integration. Governing Europe 1945-83, S. 61 - 84 (Hg. Kaiser , W.; Leucht, B.; Gehler , M.). Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2010)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: Automobile Standardisation in Europe. Between Technological Choices and Neo-protectionism. In: Les trajectoires de l’innovation technologique et la construction européenne. Des voies de structuration durable ?, S. 187 - 204 (Hg. Bouneau, C.; Burigana, D.; Varsori, A.). Peter Lang, Bruxelles (2010)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: The French Automobile Industry and the Treaty of Rome. Between Welfare State and Multinational Corporations 1955- 1958. In: Vom gemeinsamen Markt zur europäischen Unionsbildung: 50 Jahre Römische Verträge 1957 - 2007, S. 169 - 194 (Hg. Gehler, M.). Böhlau, Wien (2009)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ramírez Pérez, S.: Transnational Business Networks Propagating EC Industrial Policy: The Role of the Committee of Common Market Automobiles Constructors. In: The History of the European Union. Origins of a Trans- and Supranational Polity 1950-72, S. 74 - 92 (Hg. Kaiser , W.; Leucht, B.; Rasmussen, M.). Routledge, New York (2009)
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