Welcome to the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

Welcome to the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

We provide a forum for reflecting on law.
We explore its theory and history in a comparative and global perspective.
We address societal challenges by contributing to a deeper understanding of law.
Multidisciplinary Theory of Law
Department Marietta Auer
Historical Regimes of Normativity
Department Thomas Duve
European and Comparative Legal History
Department Stefan Vogenauer


When Custom Meets Law: The Sulha's Role in Shaping Israeli Legal History
In his contribution to our blog Legal History Insights, Omer Aloni of Tel Aviv University explores the dynamic relationship between traditional and contemporary legal systems in Israel. His analysis, titled "Present Absentee: The Sulha as a Mechanism of Legal Pluralism in Israeli Law," delves into a pivotal Supreme Court case from the 1950s. This case highlights the Sulha, a customary Arab reconciliation process, as a cornerstone of legal pluralism. Aloni recounts how the Sulha was instrumental in resolving a manslaughter case, its emphasis on familial and communal harmony leading to a mitigated sentence and underscoring the integration of restorative justice within the legal framework.
Rotating Administration in Action
The position of Managing Director at the Institute rotates among the three Directors every three years. As of 2025, Stefan Vogenauer has assumed this role, succeeding Marietta Auer at the start of the year. The Managing Director oversees the Institute’s day-to-day operations, particularly its administrative functions. In his introductory message, Vogenauer extends his gratitude to Marietta Auer for her exemplary leadership and shares his plans to further advance the Institute’s mission through strategic initiatives and continued dedication to outstanding research.
How Architects Shape International Law
In her PhD Project Manuela Camargo de Assis investigates the often-overlooked role of architects in shaping international law. Traditionally, legal scholarship has focused on written texts and metaphorical references to architecture, but Camargo de Assis argues that architecture’s physical and visual dimensions can directly influence legal norms, authority, and power. Her work centers on a series of 20th- and 21st-century case studies of buildings designed to house international organizations. Drawing on legal history, architecture, and visual studies, this research highlights the interplay between the discursive and material facets of international law.
Beyond Property. Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World (1500-1850)
Cover Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History 32 (2024)
Cover Studien zur Rechtstheorie – Band 001, Norberto Bobbio
Cover Global Perspectives on Legal History – Band 24, Los viajes de las ideas sobre la cuestión criminal hacia/desde Argentina
Cover Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte - Band 346, Otto Hintze
Cover SSSRN Paper 2024-08 What was Canon Law in Hispanic America and the Philippines (16th-18th Century)? An introduction to its sources, its modus operandi and its legal historical analysis
Cover Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte - Band 342, Michael Stolleis – zum Gedenken
Cover Global Perspectives on Legal History – Band 22, Seeking Capture, Resisting Seizure
Cover Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds - Band 4, The Production of Knowledge of Normativity in the Age of the Printing Press
Cover Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte - Band 337, Legal Pluralism and Social Change in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
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