General information: License feed databases are only accessible within the IP-range of the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory or via EZProxy.
OPAC of the MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory
Access to all items stored in the library stock: printed books and journals, CD-ROM, microforms, collections of dissertations, collection of medieval manuscripts on microfilm.
Electronic Journals (via EZB)
Access to all electronic journals licensed by the Max Planck Society or by the library of the institute. Additionally EZB offers a multitude of free accessible electronic journals.
Databases (via DBIS)
Access to all databases licensed by the local library of the institute. DBIS also offers access to selected National Licenses and databases provided by the Max Planck Society. Additionally DBIS offers a selection of free accessible databases.
Access to E-Books licensed by the Max Planck Society for all institutes, and a selection of National Licenses.
Frankfurt University´s Search Portal
Holdings of the University libraries: books, journals, university publications, DVDs, online editions, music sheets. Further more, online accessible articles and publications, literary links from bibliographic databases.
KVK – Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog
Book search interface for more than hundreds of million books and serials in library and book trade catalogs worldwide.