Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte
The volumes of this publication series, which started in 1971, were initially published under the title Ius Commune Sonderhefte, as additional volumes to the former Institute journal Ius Commune. In 2002 (from volume 151 onwards), the former subtitle became the series’ new name: Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte. It now contains over 340 volumes. Monographs and edited volumes are published individually or within the current sub-series: Savignyana, Rechtsräume, Moderne Regulierungsregime, Lebensalter und Recht, Recht im ersten Jahrtausend, Recht in der Industriellen Revolution, Rechtskulturen des modernen Osteuropa, Repertorium der Policeyordnungen der Frühen Neuzeit, Juristische Briefwechsel des 19. Jahrhunderts, Das Europa der Diktatur, Bibliographica Juridica.
The increasingly multilingual series is traditionally published in print by Klostermann Verlag. All manuscripts undergo a peer review process. We intend to make newly published volumes available online in Open Access after a period of three years. Older volumes will successively also be digitised.
ISSN 1610-6040
ISSN 0175-6532 (Vol. 1-167)