Home Historical Regimes of Normativity Projects All projects of Department Thomas Duve Joint Projects All Normative knowledge in the praxis of the Congregation of the Council Canon Law Digital Humanities Early Modern Period Historical Archives History of Christianity Knowledge of Normativity from the Sphere of the Religious Modernity Reference Work Roman Curia Sources Benedetta Albani, Yohan Park more Rome and America. New analytical and methodological approaches Canon Law Early Modern Period Global History History of Christianity Roman Curia Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Benedetta Albani more Mapping conflicts: a digital global legal history with China Asia China Digital Humanities Global South Mapping Conflicts Reference Work Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Thomas Duve, Fupeng Li, Haochen Ku, Min Li more Corporate Group architecture. Structural and legal order regimes of corporate modernity Cooperation Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Modernity Daniel Damler, Pietro Cesari more Non-state law of the economy. The normative order of industrial relations in the metal industry from the Empire to the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany Digital Humanities Europe Germany Labour Law Modernity Special Legal Orders Peter Collin, Johanna Wolf, Matthias Ebbertz, Tim-Niklas Vesper more Show more Research Projects All Governing by congregations. The Roman Curia: a complex organism between theories and practices (mid-16th – early 20th century) Canon Law Cooperation Digital Humanities Early Modern Period Historical Archives History of Christianity Modernity Normativitätswissen aus der Sphäre des Religiösen Roman Curia Sources Benedetta Albani more Methods of Legal History Doing Legal History Seminar more Lecture series ‘Intervention State and Social Law’ Cooperation Europe Labour Law Modernity Seminar Special Legal Orders Martin Otto, Thorsten Keiser more Book project: evidences of truth. Francisco Rodrigues SJ (1515–1573) and normative knowledge production in early modern portuguese Asia Asia Early Modern Period Iberian Worlds Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Rômulo da Silva Ehalt more Doing women’s legal history in the Iberian empires from a global perspective Diversity Doing Legal History Early Modern Period Europe Global History Global South Historical Archives History of Christianity Iberian Worlds Sources Luisa Stella Coutinho, Vanessa Caroline Massuchetto more Show more PhD Projects All Judicial archival documentation as cultural heritage of Portuguese-speaking African countries Global South Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Historical Archives PhD Project Reference Work Manuel Graca Manjolo more Administrative law scholarship and the emergence of an administrative litigation system in 1980s China: actors-knowledge-translation Asia China Knowledge of the Production of Normativity PhD Project Sandra Michelle Röseler more Incarnated spirits Africa Beyond Slavery and Freedom Cooperation Global South Iberian Worlds Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Modernity Mutual dependencies and normative production in Africa PhD Project Karolyne Mendes Mendonça Moreira more Regulation, normativity and organisation of corporate social policy. An interregional study of the German metal industry 1871–1932 Europe Labour Law Modernity PhD Project Special Legal Orders Tim-Niklas Vesper more Negotiating the order. Works councils in the Weimar Republic Europe Labour Law Modernity PhD Project Special Legal Orders Matthias Ebbertz more Show more Completed Projects All German identity, intermarriage, and divorce in Samoa: 1900–1914 Completed Diversity Europe Global History Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Modernity PhD Project Julia Hütten more Roberto Pettinato and the Construction of Latin American Penitentiary Thought (1947-1955) Completed Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Jorge Núñez more Shaping the Concept of Ecclesiastical Global Governance: Ontological Modeling for the History of Ecclesiastical Administration Canon Law Completed Digital Humanities Doing Legal History Roman Curia Yohan Park more The Cambridge History of Latin American Law in Global Perspective Completed Global History Global South Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Iberian Worlds Thomas Duve, Tamar Herzog more The Roman Curia and the New World in Modern Times: Historical and Legal Aspects Canon Law Completed Early Modern Period Global History Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Iberian Worlds Roman Curia Benedetta Albani more Show more Projects of former mpilhlt researchers All Decaying Sweetness: Differentiation and early modern citizenship during the Dutch intrusion in the Atlantic Iberian World, 1580-1674 Diversity Early Modern Period Global South Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Iberian Worlds PhD Project Gilberto Guerra Pedrosa more The production of the landscape in the lower Chillon River valley during the Inca and Spanish empires (ca. 1475-1580's) Diversity Early Modern Period Global South Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Iberian Worlds PhD Project Damian Augusto Gonzales Escudero more The Holy See and Spanish America. Transferences, Influences and Translations between the Congregation of the Council and the Diocese of Santiago de Chile during the 16th and 17th Centuries Canon Law Early Modern Period PhD Project Roman Curia Knowledge of Normativity from the Sphere of the Religious Constanza López Lamerain more Tridentine Ideal and Ecclesiastical Realities. The Congregation of the Council and the Apostolic Nuncios under Pope Innocent XI (1676-1689) Canon Law Early Modern Period Roman Curia Knowledge of Normativity from the Sphere of the Religious Claudia Curcuruto more