Home tagpages Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Administrative law scholarship and the emergence of an administrative litigation system in 1980s China: actors-knowledge-translation Asia China Knowledge of the Production of Normativity PhD Project Sandra Michelle Röseler more German identity, intermarriage, and divorce in Samoa: 1900–1914 Completed Diversity Europe Global History Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Modernity PhD Project Julia Hütten more The role of local knowledge in german courts in the Pacific Diversity Europe Global History Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Modernity Julia Hütten more Incarnated spirits Africa Beyond Slavery and Freedom Cooperation Global South Iberian Worlds Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Modernity Mutual dependencies and normative production in Africa PhD Project Karolyne Mendes Mendonça Moreira more The chinese legal tradition: from the late empire to the current day Asia China Knowledge of the Production of Normativity Modernity Maura Dykstra more Show more