Los viajes de las ideas sobre la cuestión criminal hacia/desde Argentina

Traducción, lucha e innovación (1880–1955)

Máximo Sozzo, Jorge Núñez (eds.)

Global Perspectives on Legal History 24
Frankfurt am Main: Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie 2024. VI, 300 S.
Online-Ausgabe: Open Access (PDF-Download, Lizenz: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 International)
Druckausgabe: 22,41 € (Print on Demand bei ePubli)

ISSN 2196-9752
ISBN 978-3-944773-46-9
eISBN 978-3-944773-47-6

Quotation link of the online version: http://dx.doi.org/10.12946/gplh24

Since the 1880s, Argentina has undergone an impressive metamorphosis in knowledge about the set of problems related to crime and punishment (the ‘criminal question’). Until the late nineteenth century, the production of truth on these issues had been strongly dominated by philosophical and legal perspectives that were the result of complex processes of importing enlightened and liberal, but also Catholic, theoretical vocabularies developed in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, a new perspective on the ‘criminal question’, initially also based on ideas imported from European contexts, began to be discussed in Argentina, which challenged the fundamental concepts and arguments that had until then been consolidated in the realm of criminal law. Building on the ideas of the ‘Positivist School’ in Italy and their multiplex reception elsewhere, a new type of discourse on crime and punishment was developed in the name of science.

This edited volume aims to contribute to the understanding of these metamorphoses of knowledge on the criminal question in Argentina between the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, emphasising how the transnational circulation of ideas played a role in them. The traditional view of these processes, based on the assumption that peripheral contexts depend on central contexts, focuses on the importation of ideas from the Global North to the Global South and presents the reception of ideas as consisting of transplants, appropriation, reproduction or adoption. However, this prevents us from observing the dynamics of adaptation, rejection and negotiation that, in some cases, led to significant innovations by local authors, both in response to local problems and as a result of their own inventiveness and creativity.

In addition, this book identifies other relevant instances of the transnational circulation of knowledge on crime and punishment that have so far received little attention in the historiography, such as between different contexts in the Global South, and from the Global South to the Global North. In doing so, it opens a window on a field that deserves much more attention in the future.  


1         Máximo Sozzo y Jorge Núñez
            Introducción: Los viajes de las ideas sobre la cuestión criminal hacia/desde Argentina.Traducción, lucha e
            innovación (1880–1955)

27         Máximo Sozzo
             José Ingenieros, traducción e innovación en la configuración de una perspectiva criminológica positivista en el
             contexto argentino (1899/1916)

67         Esteban González
             ‘Aquella casa de redención que en Italia nunca verán’. Visitas y viajes a la Penitenciaría Nacional de Buenos Aires

101       Luis González Alvo
             Adiós al Panóptico. Renovaciones y anclajes del penitenciarismo argentino a través de los viajes de Carranza,
             Casas y Soler a Chile y Brasil (1915–1927)

133      Jeremías Silva
             La reforma penal en el Cono Sur: la criminología positivista entre los saberes internacionales y las inflexiones
             nacionales (1920–1940)

167      María Belén Portelli
             Delincuencia infantil, saberes expertos y modelos internacionales. La visita de Carlos de Arenaza a Estados
             Unidos (1927–1934)

197      José Daniel Cesano
             Manuel López-Rey y Arrojo: Comunicación académica, contactos locales y tensión entre exilados (1941–1947)

223       Hernán Olaeta
              Más allá de los saberes ‘librescos’. Los viajes de Di Tullio a la República Argentina (1947 y 1949)

251       Jorge Núñez
              Roberto Pettinato y el intento de construcción de un penitenciarismo latinoamericano. Las relaciones
              penitenciarias argentino-brasileñas (1946–1955)

295       Contributors

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