Publications of Manuel Bastias Saavedra

Contribution to a Collected edition (5)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Bastias Saavedra, M.: Beyond Private and Common: Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World (1500–1800). In: Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World (1500–1850): The Normative Role of Kinship and Community, pp. 1 - 41 (Eds. Zeilinger, F.; Bleier, R.; Leeb, J.). Brill, Leiden (2025)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Bastias Saavedra, M.: The Constitutional Embedding of Differences: Chile (1810–1980). In: Law and Diversity: European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective. Vol. 1: Fundamental Questions, pp. 421 - 444 (Eds. Collin, P.; Casagrande, A.). Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main (2023)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Bastias Saavedra, M.: Decentering Law and Empire. Law-Making, Local Normativities, and the Iberian Empires in Asia. In: Norms beyond Empire. Law-Making and Local Normativities in Iberian Asia, 1500-1800, pp. 1 - 31 (Ed. Bastias Saavedra, M.). Brill Nijhoff, Leiden; Boston (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Rinke, S.; Bastias Saavedra, M.: Der 11. September 1973 und die ersten hundert Tage der chilenischen Junta. In: Diktaturen in Lateinamerika im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges, pp. 199 - 222 (Eds. Cwik, C.; König, H.-J.; Rinke, S.). Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, Stuttgart (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Bastias Saavedra, M.: Relaciones de poder, coaliciones y conflicto político (1977-1991). Un análisis de redes organizacionales en la dictadura y la transición chilena. In: Desigualdad, legitimación y conflicto. Dimensiones políticas y culturales de la desigualdad en América Latina, pp. 95 - 114 (Eds. Castillo, M.; Bastias Saavedra, M.; Durand, A.). Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile (2011)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia (1)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Bastias Saavedra, M.: Nitrate. In: 1914-1918-online. International encyclopedia of the First World War. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (2014)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Bastias Saavedra, M.: Diversity as Paradox: Legal History and the Blind Spots of Law. Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 2020-05 (2020), 17 pp.

Book Review (6)

Book Review
Bastias Saavedra, M.: El imperio portugués y las raíces profundas de Goa [Reseña de: Ângela Barreto Xavier, Religion and Empire in Portuguese India. Conversion, Resistance, and the Making of Goa. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2022]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 31, pp. 251 - 253 (2023)
Book Review
Bastias Saavedra, M.: Conocimiento indígena y derecho en el México colonial [Reseña de: Alex Hidalgo, A History of Indigenous Maps from Viceregal Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press 2019; Ana Pulido Rull, Mapping Indigenous Land. Native Land Grants in Colonial New Spain. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 2020]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 29, pp. 344 - 345 (2021)
Book Review
Bastias Saavedra, M.: [Reseña de: Tamar Herzog, Una breve historia del derecho europeo. Los últimos 2.500 años. Madrid: Alianza Editorial 2019]. Revista de Historia del Derecho 61, pp. 147 - 152 (2021)
Book Review
Bastias Saavedra, M.: [Review of: Mark Meuwese (ed), To the Shores of Chile: The "Journal and History" of the Brouwer Expedition to Valdivia in 1643. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2019]. Hispanic-American Historical Review 101 (1), pp. 154 - 156 (2021)
Book Review
Bastias Saavedra, M.: The Many Histories of World Society [Review of: Giuseppe Marcocci, Indios, chinos, falsarios. Las historias del mundo en el Renacimiento, Madrid: Alianza Editorial 2019]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 28, pp. 301 - 303 (2020)
Book Review
Bastias Saavedra, M.: Property and the Early Modern Condition [Review of: Allan Greer, Property and Dispossession. Natives, Empires, and Land in Early Modern North America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 27, pp. 357 - 359 (2019)

Blog Post (5)

Blog Post
Bastias Saavedra, M.; Bender, G.; Collin, P.; Duve, T.; Pogies, C.; Bogdandy, L. A. v.; Wolf, J.; Woods, A.: Historical Regimes of Normativity – Part 4 [Legal History Insights. 04.11.2021]. (2021)
Blog Post
Bastias Saavedra, M.; Bender, G.; Collin, P.; Duve, T.; Pogies, C.; Bogdandy, L. A. v.; Wolf, J.; Woods, A.: Historical Regimes of Normativity – Part 3 [Legal History Insights. 23.09.2021]. (2021)
Blog Post
Bastias Saavedra, M.; Bender, G.; Collin, P.; Duve, T.; Pogies, C.; Bogdandy, L. A. v.; Wolf, J.; Woods, A.: Historical Regimes of Normativity – Part 2 [Legal History Insights. 10.09.2021]. (2021)
Blog Post
Bastias Saavedra, M.: A Teleology of Ius Gentium? [Review of: Martti Koskenniemi: To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. Legal Imagination and International Power, 1300-1870, Chapter "The Political Theology of Ius Gentium", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021] [Völkerrechtsblog. 23.08.2021]. (2021)
Blog Post
Bastias Saavedra, M.; Bender, G.; Collin, P.; Duve, T.; Pogies, C.; Bogdandy, L. A. v.; Wolf, J.; Woods, A.: Historical Regimes of Normativity – Part 1 [Legal History Insights. 28.06.2021]. (2021)
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