Publications of Jan-Henrik Meyer
All genres
Monograph (1)
The European Public Sphere. Media and Transnational Communication in European Integration 1969-1991. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart (2010), 361 pp.
Collected Edition (6)
Collected Edition
Engaging the Atom. The History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe from the 1950s to the Present. West Virginia University Press, Morgantown (2021), 236 pp.
Collected Edition
Special Issue: Siting Nuclear Installations at the Border. Brepols, Turnhout (2018), 173 pp.
Collected Edition
International Organizations and Environmental Protection: Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century. Berghahn Books, New York; Oxford (2017), x, 350 pp.
Collected Edition
Global Protest against Nuclear Power. Transfer and Transnational Exchange in the 1970s and 1980s (Focus 2). GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Köln (2014)
Collected Edition
Societal Actors in European Integration: Polity-Building and Policy-making 1958-1992. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2013), XIII, 275 pp.
Collected Edition
Non-State Actors in European Integration in the 1970s: Towards a Polity of Transnational Contestation. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig (2010)
Journal Article (20)
Journal Article
49 (1), pp. 167 - 192 (2024)
Nuclear Power and Geography: How the European Communities Failed to Regulate the Siting of Nuclear Installations at Borders in the 1970s and 1980s. Historical Social Research 9.
Journal Article
74, pp. 239 - 259 (2024)
„Fossil … aus der naiv-euphorischen Frühzeit“. Der Thorium-Hochtemperatur-Reaktor Hamm-Uentrop als gescheitertes Kernernergieprojekt in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Westfälische Forschungen 10.
Journal Article
9, pp. 63 - 68 (2023)
Ein Fanal gegen "ökologisch unverantwortbar[e]" Technik: die Selbstverbrennung des Atomkraftgegners Hartmut Gründler 1977. Didactica Historica 11.
Journal Article
2 (2), pp. 187 - 205 (2022)
Indispensable, Safe and Sustainable? How the European Parliament Debated Nuclear Energy Megaprojects in the 1970s Energy Transition. Journal of Mega Infrastructure & Sustainable Development 12.
Journal Article
25 (5), pp. 562 - 576 (2022)
To Trust or Not to Trust? Structures, Practices and Discourses of Transboundary Trust Around the Swedish Nuclear Powerplant Barsebäck near Copenhagen. Journal of Risk Research 13.
Journal Article
88 (4), pp. 391 - 398 (2021)
Vielfach nachgefragt: Kernenergiegeschichte. Technikgeschichte 14.
Journal Article
71, pp. 10 - 16 (2021)
Kleine Geschichte der Atomkraftkontroverse in Deutschland. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 15.
Journal Article
27 (1), pp. 57 - 78 (2021)
Pushing for a Greener Europe: the European Parliament and Environmental Policy in the 1970s and 1980s. Journal of European Integration History 16.
Journal Article
61 (1), pp. 295 - 306 (2020)
The Energy Challenge in Historical Perspective. Technology and Culture 17.
Journal Article
27, pp. 291 - 293 (2019)
A Plea for More Historical Awareness in Environmental Law. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 18.
Journal Article
3, pp. 1 - 32 (2018)
Nuclear Installations at the Border. Transnational connections and international implications. An Introduction. Journal for the History of Environment and Society = Revue histoire, environnement et société = Zeitschrift für die Geschichte von Umwelt und Gesellschaft 19.
Journal Article
3, pp. 71 - 105 (2018)
"The World’s Worst Located Nuclear Power Plant": Danish and Swedish Cross-Border Perspectives on the Barsebäck Nuclear Power Plant. Journal for the History of Environment and Society = Revue histoire, environnement et société = Zeitschrift für die Geschichte von Umwelt und Gesellschaft 20.
Journal Article
24 (3), pp. 377 - 398 (2017)
Who Should Pay for Pollution? The OECD, the European Communities and the Emergence of Environmental Policy in the early 1970s. European Review of History = Revue européenne d'histoire