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Journal Article (20)
Journal Article
39 (1), pp. 165 - 190 (2014)
Global Protest Against Nuclear Power. Transfer and Transnational Exchange in the 1970s and 1980s. Historical Social Research 22.
Journal Article
39 (1), pp. 212 - 235 (2014)
'Where do we go from Wyhl?' Transnational Anti-Nuclear Protest targeting European and International Organisations in the 1970s. Historical Social Research 23.
Journal Article
26 (1), pp. 145 - 161 (2014)
Transnationale Geschichte. Eine Perspektive. Historische Mitteilungen der Ranke-Gesellschaft 24.
Journal Article
20 (2013)
How Birds Became Europeans: Bird Protection Activists Cooperating across Borders for Supranational Protection. Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History [Environment & Society Portal] 25.
Journal Article
113, pp. 117 - 126 (2012)
L'européanisation de la politique environnementale dans les années 1970. Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 26.
Journal Article
17 (1), pp. 73 - 85 (2011)
Green Activism. The European Parliament's Environmental Committee promoting a European Environmental Policy in the 1970s. Journal of European Integration History 27.
Journal Article
20 (3), pp. 83 - 104 (2010)
Greening Europe? Environmental Interest Groups and the Europeanization of a New Policy Field. Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung Contribution to a Collected edition (38)
Contribution to a Collected edition
A Citizens' Europe? Consumer and Environmental Policies. In: Reinventing Europe. The History of the European Union, 1945 to the Present, pp. 203 - 220 (Eds. Leucht, B.; Seidel, K.; Warlouzet, L.). Bloomsbury Academic, London; New York; Oxford; New Delhi; Sydney (2023)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Atomenergie – das Scheitern einer technischen Innovation? In: Atom. Strom. Protest. 50 Jahre Wyhl und anderswo, pp. 26 - 35 (Eds. Lakeberg, B.; Pust, H.-C.). Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern (2023)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Glaube und Hoffnung. In: Atomausstieg in Deutschland. Viele Aufgaben in der nuklearen Sicherheit bleiben, pp. 18 - 25 (Ed. Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung). Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung, Berlin (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Faith and Hope. In: Germany Phases Out Nuclear Power. Nuclear Safety Remains a Major Challenge, pp. 18 - 25 (Ed. Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management). Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management, Berlin (2022)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Meyer, J.-H.; Rubio-Varas, M.). West Virginia University Press, Morgantown (2021)
Nuclear-Society Relations from the Dawn of the Nuclear Age. In: Engaging the Atom. The History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe from the 1950s to the Present, pp. 27 - 51 (Eds. Kaijser, A.; Lehtonen, M.; 33.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Meyer, J.-H.; Rubio-Varas, M.). West Virginia University Press, Morgantown (2021)
Introduction: Nuclear Energy and Society in Postwar Europe. In: Engaging the atom. The history of nuclear energy and society in Europe from the 1950s to the present, pp. 1 - 24 (Eds. Kaijser, A.; Lehtonen, M.; 34.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Meyer, J.-H.; Rubio-Varas, M.). West Virginia University Press, Morgantown (2021)
Conclusions. Future Challenges for Nuclear Energy and Society in a Historical Perspective. In: Engaging the Atom. The History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe from the 1950s to the Present, pp. 278 - 302 (Eds. Kaijser, A.; Lehtonen, M.; 35.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Meyer, J.-H.; Rubio-Varas, M.). West Virginia University Press, Morgantown (2021)
Nuclear Installations at European Borders: Transboundary Collaboration and Conflict. In: Engaging the atom. The history of nuclear energy and society in Europe from the 1950s to the present, pp. 254 - 277 (Eds. Kaijser, A.; Lehtonen, M.; 36.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Revealing Risks: European Moments in Nuclear Politics and the Anti-Nuclear Movement. In: Greening Europe. Environmental Protection in the Long Twentieth Century, pp. 322 - 361 (Eds. Wöbse, A. K.; Kupper, P.). Oldenbourg, Berlin (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Meyer, J.-H.; Rubio-Varas, M.). West Virginia University Press, Morgantown (2021)
One Movement or Many? The Diversity of Antinuclear Movements in Europe. In: Engaging the Atom. The History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe from the 1950s to the Present, pp. 83 - 111 (Eds. Kaijser, A.; Lehtonen, M.; 38.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Responding to the European Public? Public Debates, Societal Actors and the Emergence of a European Environmental Policy. In: The Environment and the European Public Sphere: Perceptions, Actors, Policies, pp. 223 - 243 (Eds. Wenkel, C.; Bussière, E.; Grisoni, A.; Miard-Delacroix, H.). The White Horse Press, Cambridgeshire (2020)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Environmental Policy. In: The European Commission 1986-2000: History and Memories of an Institution, pp. 371 - 387 (Eds. Dujardin, V.; Bussière, É.; Ludlow, P.; Romero, F.; Schlenker, D. et al.). Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union, Luxemburg (2019)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Umweltpolitik. In: Die Europäische Kommission 1986-2000: Geschichte und Erinnerungen einer Institution, pp. 403 - 421 (Eds. Dujardin, V.; Bussière, É.; Ludlow , P.; Romero, F.; Schlenker, D. et al.). Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union, Luxemburg (2019)