Publications of Matilde Cazzola
All genres
Journal Article (20)
Journal Article
15 (4), pp. 431 - 450 (2018)
"All shall be happy by land and by sea": Thomas Spence as an Atlantic Thinker. Atlantic Studies: Global Currents 22.
Journal Article
13 (2016)
Beyond the Public and the Private: Thomas Spence and the Current Debate on Common Property. Miranda: revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone Contribution to a Collected edition (4)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Coffey, D.; Vogenauer, S.). Max Planck Institute for legal history and legal theory, Frankfurt am Main (2025)
Aboriginal protection and parens patriae: indigenous youths, juvenile delinquents, and the reformatory principle in Australia and England. In: Legal transfer and legal geography in the British Empire, pp. 37 - 72 (Eds. 24.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Remaking Britain in the Image of the Raj. James Fitzjames Stephen's 'Indian' Correctives to Electoral Reform. In: English Law, the Legal Profession, and Colonialism. Histories, Parallels, and Influences, pp. 82 - 109 (Eds. Griffiths, C.; Korporowicz, Ł. J.). Routledge, London; New York (2023)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Razza e classe nell’economia politica della protezione. Edward Eyre Protector of Aborigines in South Australia (1841-44). In: Peripli culturali. Viaggiatori europei e incontri con l'alterità in età moderna e contemporanea, pp. 149 - 172 (Ed. Iannuzzi, G.). Carocci editore, Roma (2023)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Space as Gravitational Field: the Empire and the Atlantic in the Political Thought of Thomas Pownall. In: Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History, pp. 52 - 75 (Eds. Allemann, D. S.; Jäger, A.; Mann, V.). Routledge, London (2020)
Book Review (12)
Book Review
50 (2), pp. 343 - 344 (2024)
[Review of: Edward Lucas, Early British Socialism and the 'Religion of the New Moral World'. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2023]. History of European Ideas 28.
Book Review
37 (1), pp. 300 - 303 (2024)
[Review of: Andrew Fitzmaurice, King Leopold's Ghostwriter: The Creation of Persons and States in the Nineteenth Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2021]. Leiden Journal of International Law 29.
Book Review
32, pp. 234 - 236 (2024)
The Ideology of Greater Italy: Absolving the Guilt of Empire [Review of: Emanuele Ertola, Il colonialismo degli italiani. Roma: Carocci 2022]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 30.
Book Review
108 (379-380), pp. 180 - 182 (2023)
[Recensione di: Giulia Iannuzzi, Geografie del tempo: Viaggiatori europei tra i popoli nativi nel Nord America del Settecento. Roma: Viella 2022]. History. The Journal of the Historical Association 31.
Book Review
68 (2), pp. 231 - 233 (2023)
[Review of: Marcus M. Payk, Kim Christian Priemel (eds), Crafting the International Order: Practitioners and Practices of International Law since c. 1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021]. Neue politische Literatur 32.
Book Review
31, pp. 257 - 259 (2023)
Guardie, ladri e la giurisprudenza dell'anticipazione [Recensione di: Sal Nicolazzo, Vagrant Figures: Law, Literature, and the Origins of the Police. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 2020]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 33.
Book Review
30, pp. 263 - 265 (2022)
Philanthropy to the Fore [Review of: Hugh Cunningham, The Reputation of Philanthropy since 1750: Britain and Beyond. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2020]. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 34.
Book Review
32 (3/4), pp. 495 - 497 (2022)
[Review of: Jeremy Adelman (ed), Empire and the Social Sciences: Global Histories of Knowledge. London: Bloomsbury 2019]. Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 35.
Book Review
2021 (2), pp. 365 - 367 (2021)
[Recensione di: Lorenzo Ravano, La Rivoluzione haitiana. Scritti politici e giuridici (1789-1805). Verona: Ombre Corte 2020]. Filosofia politica 36.
Book Review
60 (3), pp. 388 - 391 (2020)
[Review of: Katie Donington: The Bonds of Family: Slavery, Commerce and Culture in the British Atlantic World, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020]. American Journal of Legal History 37.
Book Review
78 (2), pp. 135 - 145 (2020)
[Review of: Jeffrey A. Auerbach: Imperial Boredom: Monotony and the British Empire, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018]. Storia della Storiografia = Histoire de l’Historiographie = History of Historiography = Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung 38.
Book Review
2015 (2), pp. 366 - 367 (2015)
[Revisione di: Thomas Spence. The Poor Man’s Revolutionary, edited by Alastair Bonnett – Keith Armstrong, London, Breviary Stuff Publications, 2014]. Filosofia politica Data Publication (1)
Data Publication
A Transnational Newspaper Dataset covering Spenceanism. (2023)