Sandra Michelle Röseler | 罗桑德拉

Doctoral Student

 Main Focus

  • Comparative administrative law
  • Legal transfer and the reception of German law in China
  • Global legal history and the methodology of legal history


Glocalising Normativities. A global legal history (15th-21st century)

Thomas Duve, Luisa Stella Coutinho, Rômulo da Silva Ehalt, Fupeng Li, Raquel R. Sirotti, Luca Alexander von Bogdandy, Karolyne Mendes Mendonça Moreira, Haochen Ku, Mauro Armando Adelino Manhanguele, Karoline Marques Machado, Vanessa Massuchetto, Sandra Michelle Röseler, Julia Hütten, Christian Pogies, Xinran Liu more

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2024 
PhD candidate, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory and Goethe University, Frankfurt

Since March 2021
Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt, Germany

February–August 2024 
Visiting scholar at China University of Political Science and Law (中国政法大学)

Legal Clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Frankfurt with legal trainings in Frankfurt and Madrid and second state examination

Researcher at Deutsch-Chinesischen Institut für Rechtswissenschaft at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

DAAD international scholarship for the duration of studies at the University of Nanjing

Double Degree Programme ‘Chinese Law and Comparative Law’ at the universities of Nanjing and Göttingen (LL.M./LL.M. oec. (Nanjing))


Student assistant at the Chair of Comparative Legal History at the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
(Prof. Dr. Thomas Duve)

Participation in the Oxford International Intellectual Property Law Moot

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung scholarship holder

Participation in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

Studies of Law, with specialisation on ‘Foundations of Law’, at the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, and First State Examination in Law


  • Member of the Deutsch-Chinesischen Juristenvereinigung e.V. and contact person for the ‘Jungen DCJV’
  • Member of the Frankfurt Moot Alumni Association e.V.
  • Member of the European China Law Studies Association 欧洲中国法研究协会


  • Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Prize 2017 for the best legal history academic term paper, awarded by the Dean of the Law Faculty of the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main


  • "Knowledge-Historical Introduction into Chinese Administrative Law", 26 September 2024, presentation at the Göttingen summer School on Chinese Law, held online.
  • Nanjinger Vorträge zum chinesischen Recht: "Die Wiedergeburt der chinesischen Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft und der Aufbau eines Verwaltungsprozessrechtssystems in den 1980er Jahren", Vortrag am Deutsch-Chinesisches Institut für Rechtswissenschaft am 11. Juni 2024, Nanjing, VR China.
  • "Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones: The Pioneering Faces of Chinese Administrative Legal Scholarship", 22 September 2023, presentation at the European China Law Studies Association Annual Conference, Helsinki.
  • “Legal Historiography in China: Writing Legal History from Present to Past?”, presented at the 2nd Asian Legal History Conference, July 23-24, 2022, hosted online by the Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, and the Asian Legal History Association.
  • “Chinese Administrative Law I – Towards the Codification of Chinese Administrative Procedure Act – the New Mission of Administrative Jurisprudence in China?“, Vortrag anlässlich der Göttinger Sommerschule zum Chinesischen Recht am 25.09.2020, Göttingen (virtuell).
  • „Die Quilombolas in Brasilien und die Argumentation mit kultureller Identität im Streit um das Recht“ im Rahmen des Symposiums „Amicus curiae? – Zum Gebrauch von Geschichte im Recht in Lateinamerika“, Vortragsrunde am 28. September 2015 im Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main.
  • Gemeinsames Online-Seminar mit Dr. Richard Stefanink für Wolters Kluwer: "W&I-Versicherungen im Rahmen von M&A Transaktionen".

Selected Publications

Röseler, S. M.: Towards a Knowledge History of Chinese Law: An Introduction to the History of Chinese Administrative Law Science, Its Pioneering Actors, and Knowledge of Normativity. Asian Journal of Law and Society, pp. 1 - 47 (2025)
Li Fupeng (李富鹏), Sandra Michelle Röseler (罗桑德拉) (2024):
2023 Niandu ouzhou shijiao xia de zhongguo falvshi yanjiu 2023 年度欧洲视角下的中国法律史研究评述 (2023 Review of Chinese Legal History from a European Perspective),
in Zhang Sheng (张生) (ed.), Zhongguo falvshixue nianjian 2024 中国法律史学年鉴 2024 [Almanac of Chinese Legal History Studies 2024], Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe 中国社会科学出版社 [China Social Sciences Press], pp. 131-138.
Röseler, S. M.: Rule of Law Ambassador and Legal Educator – Professor Jiang Ping 江平 (1930–2023) [Legal History Insights. 24.01.2024]. (2024)
Röseler, S. M.: The Faces of Modern Chinese Legal Identity [Review of: Nongji Zhang, Legal Scholars and Scholarship in the People's Republic of China: The First Generation, 1949–1992. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Asia Center 2022]. Asian Journal of Law and Society 10 (1), pp. 149 - 152 (2023)
Röseler, S. M.: Grundlagen des Rechts der Verwaltungsvereinbarungen – Zugleich eine Einführung in die neuen Bestimmungen des Obersten Volksgerichts zu einigen Fragen der Behandlung von Fällen der Verwaltungsvereinbarung vom 27.11.2019. Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht 28 (3), pp. 184 - 206 (2021)
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