Max Planck Fellow Group
The Max Planck Fellowship promotes cooperation between outstanding scholars from German universities and the Max Planck Society. The appointed scholar is made a fellow at a Max Planck Institute for up to five years and receives special access and resources, including the ability to lead a small research group.
Max Planck Fellow Group
'The History of European Union Labour Law'
From the very beginning, the European Community, and later the Union, has been active in various fields of labour law. Different regulatory techniques of hard law and soft law can be observed. The Max Planck Fellow Group aims to understand these in a historical perspective and to reflect on them in their respective contexts of origin. Using archive material, the first subproject will produce an overview that documents the regulatory emphasis of Union law in the area of labour in its supranational dimension and from a historical perspective. Parallel to this, a second project analyses these regulations in a bottom-up approach that takes the legal systems of the member states – not the Union – as its point of departure. While the first project will focus on the emergence and impact of supranational law, the second will highlight the interaction between national legal systems and European lawmaking. The resulting complementary perspectives on the development of European labour law reveal its specific characteristics: on the one hand, its roots in supranational compromise and, on the other, its adoption of certain normative patterns from the member states and thus its roots in European legal culture.
The Max Planck Fellow Group will help to strengthen the existing network of research projects both at the University of Giessen and the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory.