

Room: Lecture hall of the MPI Location: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History

Deep Time - Law - Indo-European Culture. Towards a deep intellectual History

Colloquium Methods of Legal History

Workshop: Gender and Sexualities in Legal History


Workshop : Administrative Multinormativity. Normenkonflikte in verwaltungshistorischer Perspektive


Raymond Cocks: Laws ancient and modern: history and context in the reforms of mid-nineteenth century India

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Challenge Diversity - Normative Consequences of Social Differentiation since the 19th Century


David J. Ibbetson: Unjust(ified) Enrichment

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

John Cairns: Regulating Slavery in Europe: A Global Problem of the Eighteenth Century

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Seminar of the focus area Translation: Guest presentation Prof. Masanori Okada

Guest presentation
Topic: Globalisierung und Gestaltung des Nationalstaats: Translation des Verwaltungsgerichtssystems im Japan des späten 19. Jahrhunderts [more]

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe
Bankruptcy in Hamburg, Bremen, and Lubeck 1815-1870: A Club Good (in Disarray) [more]

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe
Presentation of the research projects [more]

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe
Topic: The Roman Inquisition in the Early Modern Age. The Decreta Sancti Officii as a "new" source [more]

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe
Topic: The vitality of the polycentric model of shared sovereignty in Early Modern Europe [more]

Legal spaces - International Conference

International Conference
Topic: Die Regierung der Universalkirche nach dem Konzil von Trient (MP-Forschungsgruppe) [more]

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe
Topic: Die italienischen Anmerkungen zur Übersetzung von Windscheids Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts: zwischen pandektistichem Paradigma und vergleichender Rechtswissenschaft [more]
The Jour Fixe is taking a summer break and will be back on September 7. [more]

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe: In the quest for "legal space"

Jour Fixe
In the quest for "legal space". Two cases from the Alps-Adriatic Area around 1800 – The Agents of Institutionalisation, Disappearance, Resistance and Transformation (Towards a possible typology? Problems and Questions) [more]

Jour Fixe: Die Sicherheit des Staates und die Sicherheit vor dem Staat in Europa, Russland und den USA im 19. Jahrhundert

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe: Die Blogs der Max-Weber-Stiftung

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe: Richtig Publizieren im Netz

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe: Das Forschungszentrum Historische Geisteswissenschaften

Jour Fixe

Jour Fixe: Die Schule von Salamanca

Jour Fixe: Jus commune in East Asia

Jour Fixe: Der 40. Deutsche Rechtshistorikertag

Jour Fixe: Translating legal rationality: books and slavery in 19th century Brazil

Jour Fixe: State-Law and Non-state Law: Legal Pluralism and Governance in South Asia and in the Diasporas

Jour Fixe: Legal History, History of Law: Considerations on the Functioning of Late Medieval Church Courts

Lecture: Transition as a historical problem between "Achsenzeit" and "Sattelzeit"


Lecture: Roma communis patria


Lecture: A Documentary History of Papacy


Max Planck Summer School 2012

Max Planck Summer School 2012

Lecture: Cádiz y América

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