

Host: Stefan Vogenauer, Matilde Cazzola

The Satsuma Mutiny and the inter-colonial origins of the Fugitive Offenders Act 1881

Common Law Research Seminar

Beyond the British Empire: Stocks, bonds and common law in the 19th-century Magdalena River (1810-1928)

Common Law Research Seminar

Haileybury College: Invading India ‘with little Grotiuses and Puffendorfs’

Common Law Research Seminar

Robert Wilmot-Horton between the ‘Malthus effect’ and the ‘miracle of emigration’

Common Law Research Seminar

Common law transplants and the question of legitimacy

Common Law Research Seminar

An unlikely catalyst: occupiers, trespassers and the end of the imperial deference in Australia

Common Law Research Seminar

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

Imperial control: unearthing collective punishment statutes in the British colonies

Common Law Research Seminar

The uncommon law in the Privy Council

Common Law Research Seminar
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