Max Planck Partner Groups
More than 90 Partner Groups exist worldwide. They are an effecturve instrument for jointly promoting young talents with countries that want to strengthen their research through international cooperation, such as India, China, Central and Eastern European countries, Russia and Argentina..
The idea is that after a research stay at a Max Planck Institute, highly qualified researchers (postdocs) return to their home country or continue their research in another country to work on a topic that is also of interest to their former host.
mpilhlt - Thomas Duve | Università degli Studi di Trento - Manuela Bragagnolo
The Production of Normative Knowledge and the Early Modern Book Trade.
This group, headed by Manuela Bragagnolo, formerly a post-doc fellow at the mpilhlt and now Professor at the Università di Trento in Italy, and Thomas Duve, seeks to investigate the extent to which, following the emergence of the early modern book trade, the production, circulation and consumption of legal books had an impact on the production of normative knowledge.
The collaboration started in 2022.