Home European and Comparative Legal History Projects All projects of Department Vogenauer Research Projects All The European Council as legislator: an oral history project Legal History of the European Union Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez more Legal transfer of the english fraud doctrine for the regulation of bank failure to the Uganda Protectorate c. 1885-1965 Legal Transfer in the Common Law World PhD Project Juma Noah Omollo more Legal history teaching. An educational project Private Law and Dispute Resolution in a Historical‚ Comparative and Transnational Perspective Sources of Law and Legal Methods Adolfo Giuliani more Changing images of the legal past Private Law and Dispute Resolution in a Historical‚ Comparative and Transnational Perspective Sources of Law and Legal Methods Adolfo Giuliani more Presumptions in late 16th-century treatises Private Law and Dispute Resolution in a Historical‚ Comparative and Transnational Perspective Sources of Law and Legal Methods Adolfo Giuliani more Show more PhD Projects All German-Jewish legal thought in the understanding of international law during the interwar period Legal History of the European Union PhD Project Magdalena Gebhart more A community of equality? The emergence of European and national anti-discrimination norms against the background of legal, social and economic conditions in France and Germany 1944-1994 Legal History of the European Union Max Planck Fellow Group PhD Project Anna Quadflieg more The gender pay gap in Italy: a history of the implementation of EU law Legal History of the European Union Max Planck Fellow Group PhD Project Nina Cozzi more Representing and communicating the law in British India, c. 1858-1930 Legal Transfer in the Common Law World PhD Project Erica Kim Ollikainen-Read more Administration of justice in West Africa: commercial relations in the colonial courts during the era of legitimate trade (1850-1930) Legal Transfer in the Common Law World PhD Project Winner Ijeoma more Show more Completed Projects All Philanthropy, administration and the law in the 19th-century British Empire Completed Legal Transfer in the Common Law World Matilde Cazzola more Copyright and the Making of a Nation: The Transfer of Copyright Law from England to the U.S. Completed Niels Pepels more The Making and Unmaking of Ordoliberal Language. A Digital Conceptual History of European Competition Law (c.1950-2020) Legal History of the European Union PhD Project Anselm Küsters more Professional language and empty phrases in the scholarship of European Union law Completed Legal History of the European Union PhD Project Thorben Klünder more History of Legal Studies within the Max Planck Society after 1945 Completed Jasper Kunstreich more Show more Projects of former MPI researcher All Trials for high treason and conspiracy against the emperor in Byzantium Wolfram Brandes more Wardship and property right in the British Isles, 1485-1747 Sean Bottomley more The jurisdiction of patent validity cases in England, 1700-1883 Sean Bottomley more Professional language and empty phrases in the scholarship of European Union law Completed Legal History of the European Union PhD Project Thorben Klünder more Development of Documentary Transfer and Southeast Asian Trade December 19, 2018 Aleksi Ollikainen-Read more Show more