After many years of researching and lecturing, James Thompson joined the mpilhlt (formerly MPIeR) as research editor in 2015. He is still active in academia as an affiliated senior research fellow at the Research Cluster: Society and Culture in Motion (University of Halle-Wittenberg) and collaborates with researchers at PRIF (Frankfurt). From 2011-15, he was visiting professor at the KU Leuven, where he worked together with Stefan Rummens and Benjamin De Mesel to establish a research concentration on Wittgenstein, primarily focusing on the relevance of his thought for moral philosophy. Furthermore, he has taught and researched at the University of Zürich, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and the Goethe University, Frankfurt. Having primarily worked on the connections between Wittgenstein, pragmatism, phenomenology, and their role in the development of practice-oriented approaches in the humanities, not to mention social, political, and legal theory, his more recent work focuses on normativity and its emergence within the field of human rights and the legal sphere via processes of translation.


Ph.D. Philosophy:  Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Doctoral Studies in Phenomenology and Ancient Philosophy 2000-2002: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany

M.A. Philosophy: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

B.A. Philosophy 1997: California State University, Sacramento

Institutional Teaching & Research Appointments

Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg (Germany):

Senior Research Fellow: Interdisciplinary Graduate School: Society and Culture in Motion

Senior Lecturer: Social, Political, and Moral Philosophy

Lecturer: Social, Political, and Moral Philosophy

Lecturer: American and Intercultural Studies

Lecturer: Philosophical Foundations of Education

Lecturer: Philosophy of Language, Phenomenology, and Education

Katholieke Universitiet Leuven (Belgium):

Visiting Professor: Epistemology and Philosophy of Language

Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Germany):

Since 2015
Lecturer: Pragmatism and Philosophy of Language

Universität Zürich (Switzerland):

Visiting Scholar and Lecturer: Phenomenology and Moral Philosophy

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (United States):

Instructor (Department of Philosophy)

Teaching Assistant (Department of Philosophy)

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