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Collected Edition (4)
Collected Edition
The Development of European Competition Policy: Social Democracy and Regulation. Routledge, London (2024), 333 pp.
Collected Edition
New Frontiers of the Automobile Industry. Exploring Geographies, Technology, and Institutional Challenges. Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire (2020), 506 pp.
Collected Edition
España y la Unión Europea. A los treinta años del reencuentro tras la dictadura. Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, Salamanca (2016), 350 pp.
Collected Edition
Alan S. Milward and a Century of European Change. Routledge, New York (2012), XXIX, 634 pp.
Journal Article (17)
Journal Article
62 (1), pp. 211 - 245 (2021)
European Trade Unions from the Single European Act to Maastricht: 1985-1992. Studi Storici: Rivista trimestrale della Fondazione Gramsci 6.
Journal Article
29, pp. 154 - 156 (2021)
Using Oral Methods for European Legal History. Methods, Sources, Projects. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 7.
Journal Article
Special issue paper in: Business and competition policy in Europe (2020)
Embedding the Market during Times of Crisis: the European Automobile Cartel during a Decade of Crisis (1973–1985). Business History 8.
Journal Article
26, pp. 61 - 80 (2020)
Spanish Trade Unions and European Integration: From the Democratic Transition to the Treaty of Maastricht (1973-1992). Journal of European Integration History 9.
Journal Article
2020 (3), pp. 369 - 391 (2020)
Esperando a Godot? Los ciclos de la Europa social en la historiografía de la integración europea. Lavoro e diritto 10.
Journal Article
Crises and Transformations of European Integration: European Business Circles during the Long 1970s. European Review of History, pp. 618 - 635 (2019)
Journal Article
14 (4), pp. 442 - 468 (2019)
Managing Technical Changes from the Scales of Legal Regulation. German Clean Cars against the European Pollutant Emissions Regulations in the 1980s. Management & Organizational History 12.
Journal Article
22 (2), pp. 329 - 354 (2016)
Multinational Corporations and European Integration: The Case of the Automobile Industry, 1959-1965. Journal of European Integration History 13.
Journal Article
3 (53), pp. 110 - 129 (2016)
Le principe fédéral à l’épreuve de l’histoire de l’intégration européenne. Un succès paradoxal. Politique européenne 14.
Journal Article
49, pp. 71 - 91 (2012)
Jean-Albert Grégoire, la voiture tout aluminium et la voiture électrique: le destin commun de deux innovations technologiques entre guerre et Reconstruction. Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium 15.
Journal Article
10 (1), pp. 28 - 37 (2012)
España en Europa: modernización, democracia y estado de bienestar (1971-2011). Puente et Europa 16.
Journal Article
9 (2), pp. 70 - 77 (2011)
Proyectos de globalización económica e integración europea: las empresas multinacionales entre Guerra Fría y Tercer Mundo (1950-1970). Puente et Europa 17.
Journal Article
2011, 33 (2011)
La politique européenne de la concurrence revisitée: les doctrines économiques dans le travail politique européen. Les cahiers / GREThA 18.
Journal Article
21, pp. 47 - 61 (2010)
Un'auto più pulita e sicura: la Comunità europea e l’avvio della standardizzazione per gli autoveicoli (1952-1970). I frutti di demetra 19.
Journal Article
27 (1), pp. 63 - 77 (2008)
La politique de la concurrence de la Communauté Économique Européenne et l´industrie: l'exemple des accords sur la distribution automobile (1972-1985). Histoire, économie et société 20.
Journal Article
38, pp. 87 - 105 (2005)
The Role of Multinational Corporations in the Foreign Trade Policy of the European Economic Community: The Automobile Sector between 1959 and 1967. Actes du GERPISA