Main Focus

Jan-Henrik Meyer’s research combines an interest in the history, politics and law of European integration with environmental history. His PhD on the European Public Sphere enquired into how citizens and the media viewed the emerging European Union, and corroborated and challenged its legitimacy. In his postdoctoral research on the emergence of the EU’s environmental policy, he has examined the role of societal actors and international organisations, and the relations between nuclear energy and society in Europe in the course of a collaborative Horizon 2020 project. His current research traces the emergence of European Environmental and Energy Law.


Curriculum Vitae

Jan-Henrik Meyer read history, political science, sociology, and European Studies at Humboldt University Berlin, the LSE and Duke University. He completed his PhD in Modern History at Free University Berlin on “The European Public Sphere. Media and Transnational Communication in European Integration” (Franz Steiner publishers, Stuttgart). Meyer has taught and conducted research in history and interdisciplinary European Studies as a Marie-Curie-Fellow at the University of Portsmouth, and as a postdoctoral fellow and Assistant Professor at Aarhus University. He was a Rachel Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, an Associate Professor at NTNU Trondheim and at the University of Copenhagen, where he was a principal investigator and work package manager of the Horizon 2020 project  HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society.

Recent Publications

Meyer, J.-H.: Nuclear Power and Geography: How the European Communities Failed to Regulate the Siting of Nuclear Installations at Borders in the 1970s and 1980s. Historical Social Research 49 (1), pp. 167 - 192 (2024)
Meyer, J.-H.: The European Parliament and the Origins of Environmental Policy [STUDY European Parliament History Series]. (2024), 36 pp.
Leucht, B.; Meyer, J.-H.: A Citizens' Europe? Consumer and Environmental Policies. In: Reinventing Europe. The History of the European Union, 1945 to the Present, pp. 203 - 220 (Eds. Leucht, B.; Seidel, K.; Warlouzet, L.). Bloomsbury Academic, London; New York; Oxford; New Delhi; Sydney (2023)
Meyer, J.-H.: Indispensable, Safe and Sustainable? How the European Parliament Debated Nuclear Energy Megaprojects in the 1970s Energy Transition. Journal of Mega Infrastructure & Sustainable Development 2 (2), pp. 187 - 205 (2022)
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