Dr. Stefanie Rüther

Research Coordinator

Research Interests

  • History of Conflict and War
  • Security in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Periods
  • History of Knowledge
  • History of Religion and Piety

Curriculum Vitae

Stefanie Rüther studied History and German Philology at the University of Münster and was awarded her doctorate in 2000 for her thesis on the representation of the Lübecker councillors in the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Subsequently, she was a postdoctoral researcher as part of the SFB 496 Symbolic Communication and Social Value Systems, first in the project on 'Rituals of Conflict and Peace in the Late Middle Ages' and later in the section 'Central Tasks' (2000-2008). Here she was responsible for the development and coordination of the cross-project database. Between 2008 and 2012 she was the head of a of a PHD group within the Graduate School of the Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics. Following this, she was recruited as a consultant for Wissensforschung (Knowledge Research) at the Centre for Collection Development of Göttingen University. Since 2015 she is the head of research coordination at the mpilhlt.

Stefanie Rüther is an associated member of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 138: Dynamics of Security. Types of Securitization from a Historical Perspective.
