Dr. Matilde Cazzola

Affiliate Researcher

Main Focus

  • History of political and legal thought
  • Administrative practice across the British Empire in the long 19th Century
  • Philanthropy and imperial policy
  • Biographies of colonial administrators with transnational careers


Completed Project

Curriculum Vitae

Matilde Cazzola completed her undergraduate degree in History (2012) and her Master’s degree in History and Political Thought (2015) at the University of Bologna. She earned her PhD in History from the same institution in 2019. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the political and legal thought of a select number of administrators of the British Empire in North America, the Caribbean and India in the 1750s–1900s. After working for a few months at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam in 2019, Matilde was a postdoctoral fellow of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation in Turin and the Edith Saurer Fonds in Vienna in the academic year 2019-2020. From November 2020 until December 2024, she was a member of Department Vogenauer at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory. In January 2025, she joined the University of Bologna as Tenure-Track Researcher. She is now an Affiliate Researcher at the Institute.

Selected Publications

Cazzola, M.: Aboriginal protection and parens patriae: indigenous youths, juvenile delinquents, and the reformatory principle in Australia and England. In: Legal transfer and legal geography in the British Empire, pp. 37 - 72 (Eds. Coffey, D.; Vogenauer, S.). Max Planck Institute for legal history and legal theory, Frankfurt am Main (2025)
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