Founders and Shapers of Labour Law. National and Transnational Perspectives
- Start: Sep 3, 2024 09:30 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Sep 4, 2024 03:45 PM
- Location: mpilhlt
- Room: Z01
- Host: Johanna Wolf (mpilhlt), Rebecca Zahn (Strathclyde University)
- Contact:

Following a successful conference in 2023, the Labour Law History from a Global Perspective network will meet for the second time, this year focusing on the law of labour from a biographical perspective. The focus will be on well-known labour lawyers, but also on people who have had an influence on labour law or the regulation of the world of work in other contexts. We are interested in what influence they had in their respective national contexts, as well as beyond – may that be transnational, transregional or translocal. The conference is co-organised by Johanna Wolf (MPILHLT) and Rebecca Zahn (Strathclyde University).