Historical institutions with and without geographic dimension. Capturing the Normative Aspects and the Dynamics of Political and Administrative Entities in Data Modelling.
A Workshop Discussion with Francesco Beretta
- Date: May 17, 2024
- Time: 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: mpilhlt & online, Room: 503
- Host: Benedetta Albani (mpilhlt)
- Contact: albani@lhlt.mpg.de

Modelling historical institutions is a complex task that presents multiple challenges, among which one can enumerate the continuous changing of historical scenarios, the presence or absence of a clearly identifiable and describable geographic and spatial dimension, and the significance of institutions for multiple types of actors, events, and places.
The discussion workshop aims to capture the normative aspects of these phenomena and the dynamics involving political and administrative entities in historical perspective. The discussion will be inspired by the data modelling currently being carried out by the research group as part of the SCC Explorer Platform project and will draw on the experience of Francesco Beretta as discussant.