The Council of Trent. A 500-year history
Reading seminar "Council of Trent"
- Date: Sep 29, 2022
- Time: 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
- Room: Room G503
- Host: Benedetta Albani, Anna Clara Lehmann Martins
- Contact:

The first meeting intends to look at the Council of Trent from different points of view: certainly as a punctual incident, with its own contextualisation and dynamics, but also as an event that has been prepared, desired, opposed, observed, commented on over time, which became a paradigm and that has had, and perhaps still has, an effective and tangible presence during its almost 500 years of history. The suggested readings will allow an in-depth examination of some historiographical positions on the council and the post-Tridentine era and will offer the possibility of discussing other possible interpretations of one of the central events of the modern world.
- O'Malley, John W. (2018), What Happened and Did Not Happen at the Council of Trent, in: Wim, François – Violet, Soen (eds.) (2018), The Council of Trent, 1 (Academic Studies, 35, 1), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 49-68.
- Emich, Birgit (2015), Dalla Chiesa tridentina al mito di Trento: una rilettura storicoconcettuale, in: Storica, 63, pp. 39-66.
Commentary: Benedetta Albani
About this Reading Seminar
The Council of Trent had a long and complex fortune throughout history: it bound people and places far apart in time and space, it conveyed knowledge and paradigms, and allowed their continuous use and reuse. Our reading seminar will dive into this fortune, addressing it from five perspectives, each corresponding to a discussion session. First, we will approach the Council of Trent as the object of a wide range of interpretations – on the part of historical actors from the 16th century onwards, but also on the part of recent historiography. Afterwards, we will reflect upon the changes that the Tridentine (and the series of norms following it) brought to how canon law was conceived and practiced along time. A further session will be dedicated to the role of the Council of Trent in establishing a legal framework where procedures shaped actors and vice-versa. The fruitful tension between the Tridentine as part of universal canon law and its transformations when transposed to local realities will also be addressed. Finally, we will discuss how the Council of Trent prompted the construction and transformation of legal knowledge, taking as point of departure the century-long efforts of the Congregation of the Council to interpret the Council of Trent to the Catholic world.
Each session will start with a commentary by a member of the Research Group: "Normative knowledge in the praxis of the Congregation of the Council" or an invited researcher. Open discussion will follow.
Registration is necessary to take part of the reading seminar. Please register at least one week before the session you wish to attend, so as to allow enough time for the sending and preparation of the readings. Last-minute registrations will be accepted only on an exceptional basis, depending of room capacity. One may apply for more than one session in the same act of registration. A reminder of the event will be sent to the participants the day before each session.
To register, please send an e-mail to
The reading material will be in English, Italian and Portuguese. For further information on the seminar sessions, please check the programme.