Seminar with Rebecca Scott: 'María Coleta and the Capuchin Friar: Slavery, Salvation, and the Adjudication of Status'


  • Date: Jun 2, 2022
  • Time: 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Rebecca Scott
  • Location: Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
  • Room: Vortragssaal
  • Host: Dr. Mariana Dias Paes
  • Contact:
Seminar with Rebecca Scott: 'María Coleta and the Capuchin Friar: Slavery, Salvation, and the Adjudication of Status'

On June 2nd we will receive professor Rebecca Scott (University of Michigan) to discuss her latest article co-authored with Carlos Venegas Fornias 'María Coleta and the Capuchin Friar: Slavery, Salvation, and the Adjudication of Status'.