Working Group: Using Normative Knowledge from the Past
- Date: Mar 10, 2021
- Time: 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Organisation: Alexandra Woods
- Location: video conference
- Room: For further information, please contact

In our next workshop, we are very pleased to have Dr Matteo Valleriani join us from the MPI for the History of Science with a presentation on ‘Resources of Scientific Knowledge Production’. Two articles will serve as a basis for the discussion: The Emergence of Epistemic Communities in the Sphaera Corpus: Mechanisms of Knowledge Evolution (2019) and Evolution and Transformation of Early Modern Cosmological Knowledge: A Network Study (2020).
The working group ‘Using Normative Knowledge from the Past’ discusses the concepts we use, want to use, or should perhaps revisit in order to understand how normative knowledge was produced in historical times and places. Tradition, materiality, information management, practical versus theoretical knowledge and ‘using the past’ are some key examples. For a list of our past events, please see our working group webpage.
For further information, please contact