Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

The Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory and the Institute for Legal History at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt jointly organise four evening lectures a year, which take place at the beginning and end of each semester. Since the winter semester of 2014/15, the MPI and the university’s Institute for Legal History have taken turns hosting the event, at which a public talk by an external speaker is followed by the opportunity for conversation and exchange between the two institute’s researchers.
Location: mpilhlt

The Age of Ambiguity. Concurrence and Competition of Norms ('Normenkonkurrenz') in Early Modern Europe

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Marriage and Madness: The Origins of the Marriage of Lunatics Act (1742)

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Legal Theory in Colonial India and Mandatory Palestine

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Der Stufenbau der Rechtsordnung – Von den Tücken einer Metapher

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche
  • Date: Nov 8, 2023
  • Time: 06:15 PM - 07:45 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Matthias Jestaedt
  • (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau)
  • Location: mpilhlt
  • Room: Z01

Swindlers and Suckers in Early Modern England

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche
  • Date: Apr 26, 2023
  • Time: 06:15 PM - 07:45 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Emily Kadens
  • Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
  • Location: mpilhlt
  • Room: Z01

The Law of the Sea: Oceans, Ships, and the Anthropocene

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche
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