Research Seminars

Research Seminars

The three Departments run series of research seminars devoted to their specific research themes. The seminars provide the opportunity for both external and internal researchers to report on their current projects and to discuss them with the Institute’s members. Most of the seminars are open to students of the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt or the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen after prior registration.

Host: Stefan Vogenauer, Matilde Cazzola

The code of tribute: Law and political economy in the Ain of 1854

Common Law Research Seminar

The Satsuma Mutiny and the inter-colonial origins of the Fugitive Offenders Act 1881

Common Law Research Seminar

Beyond the British Empire: Stocks, bonds and common law in the 19th-century Magdalena River (1810-1928)

Common Law Research Seminar

Haileybury College: Invading India ‘with little Grotiuses and Puffendorfs’

Common Law Research Seminar

Robert Wilmot-Horton between the ‘Malthus effect’ and the ‘miracle of emigration’

Common Law Research Seminar

Common law transplants and the question of legitimacy

Common Law Research Seminar

An unlikely catalyst: occupiers, trespassers and the end of the imperial deference in Australia

Common Law Research Seminar

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

Imperial control: unearthing collective punishment statutes in the British colonies

Common Law Research Seminar

The uncommon law in the Privy Council

Common Law Research Seminar

Criminal fault in 19th-century England

Common Law Research Seminar

18th-century judicial imperialism: English judges and the making of British India

Common Law Research Seminar

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

British judges in the Supreme Court of Siam and beyond

Research Seminar

Bezoar stones and onion seeds in Early Modern English law

Legal Transfer in the Common Law World : Common Law Research Seminar

Travels of contract law: failure of consideration

Common Law Research Seminar

Placing the frontier in British India

Common Law Research Seminar
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