Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History
We invite researchers to attend our online conference on ‘Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History’, which is intended to provide an opportunity for the critical discussion of digital methods and resources in legal history. We will have presentations of collections, databases, gazetteers and similar resources of relevance to legal history, and discuss how these and other resources, and digital methods in general, have been put to use in concrete project contexts. Interested researchers, whether from legal history, the digital humanities or other fields, are welcome.
Conference dates, registration and administrative issues
The event will take place as an online conference with presentations between 15:00 and 19:00 UTC (check out your timezone!) on each day of the week of 01-05 March 2021. You can find a detailed programme in the ‘downloads’ section on the left.
The presentations will be held via zoom meetings, and there will be a wonder.me room open to spontaneous exchanges and chit-chat throughout the week. Participation is free of charge, but in order to receive login details for the virtual rooms, you need to register by sending an informal mail message to dlh@rg.mpg.de.
The conference will also feature a poster session on Thursday, 4 March, 16:45-19:00 UTC. Below, you can already find the posters and everyone is invited and encouraged to have a look at them before the poster session.
After the conference, you will find recordings of the conference’s presentations below. Please allow for some days to prepare the video files and coordinate permissions.
Plenary Talk, The Making of ModernLaw. Digital Computation and the Search for Anglo-American Legal Modernity
Chair: Andreas Wagner
The School of Salamanca: A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language
Rico Carmona, Cindy (mpilhlt)
Chair: Andreas Wagner
Omnes viae Roman ducunt: New DH tools for a better understanding of the universal governance of the Catholic Church: The SCC Explorer
Anokhina, Alexandra (mpilhlt)
Chair: Andreas Wagner
Ordering ORDO: Applying a Structural Topic Model to the ORDO yearbook (1948-2014)
Chair: Andreas Wagner
A mixed methods approach to political judiciary
Chair: Anselm Küsters
Disorder in the Courts. Using Data, Visualizations, and Hypertext to Create a Legal History of the 1935 Harlem 'Riot'
Plenary Talk, A Digital Portal to Early Modern Police Ordinances: Database, Resources and Methods of Use
Romein, Annemieke (Ghent/Amsterdam)
Chair: Benedetta Albani
Corpus Synodalium. Medieval CanonLaw in the Digital Age
Chair: Manuela Bragagnolo
Lost in Beccaria, or: Building and Exploring a Corpus of Eighteenth-Century Editions and Translations of Beccaria’s Dei delitti e delle pene (1764) in the MetaLex project
Chair: Manuela Bragagnolo