Common Law Research Seminar
The seminar series 'Legal Transfer in the Common Law World’ provides a platform for the discussion of works in progress concerning the transfer of law across the British Empire. This ‘transfer’ includes the movement of legal ideas, personnel, legislation and practice between and across colonies and the metropole.
External scholars provide draft written pieces (ca. 20 pages) which are pre-circulated for discussion at a one-hour seminar. Internal and external PhD students are also encouraged to provide draft chapters of their thesis. At the seminar sessions speakers merely give a five-minute introduction before the discussion turns to their text. Scholars of different intellectual backgrounds are welcome, so as to provide an interdisciplinary discussion. The audience includes a mix of lawyers and historians who are all engaged in legal history research.
The seminar semesters run twice a year, from October to February, and April to July. The seminars are convened by Professor Stefan Vogenauer and Dr Martin O'Donoghue. They are open to undergraduate law students from Goethe University who are welcome to take the seminars as a module (Schwerpunktbereich ‘Grundlagen des Rechts’ und ‘Internationalisierung und Europäisierung des Rechts’ sowie für Studierende vor Ablauf der Zwischenprüfung).