DCH Dictionary platform
Research Project

The DCH Dictionary platform is a digital tool that allows you to search in a versatile way through all published articles and primary sources of the DCH corpus. In addition to exploring the contents, the platform offers the possibility to check how keywords, concepts, places, authors and dates are interrelated. Another available function is the keyword search indicating in which articles keywords can be found.
A special feature of the platform is the hyperlinks to the digitised primary sources on the Institute's primary source platforms (particularly the De indiarium Iure collection in the Digital Libraries Connected and the digital collection of the School of Salamanca). From the footnotes in the right-hand margin of the texts, these sources can be accessed with a single click.
The platform also offers the option to download the articles in different formats, such as PDF or XML. The latter is especially useful for those who want to conduct their own digital analysis of the data.
The DCH platform not only offers accessibility and preservation of the texts, but also ensures that the information contained therein can be used according to the needs of each research project.
The tool is currently under construction. We are in the process of transforming published articles into digital versions (TeiXML). However, it is already possible to access the articles and perform complex searches. We invite you to explore it!