44. Rechtshistorikertag takes place in Frankfurt

August 05, 2024

The 44. Rechtshistorikertag (the annual conference of Germanophone legal historians) is taking place in Frankfurt am Main from 16 to 20 September this year, organised by the Institut für Rechtsgeschichte of the Goethe-Universität.

Dedicated to Die Sprache der Quellen, its sessions will discuss the language and mediality of legal historical sources. Another focus will be the chances offered as well as the risks posed to legal history by the current transformations in the digital world (such as by AI).

In addition to the keynote lectures and panels, time has been set aside on Wednesday, 18 September for presentations of research projects and for smaller discussion sessions on 'problems and forms of legal history'. The three best presentations by doctoral researchers will be awarded a prize by the Association of the Friends of the mpilhlt


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