Norberto Bobbio
Filosofia e dogmatica del diritto (1931) e
La fenomenologia di Husserl (1933)
Band 001, Prefazione e cura di Mario G. Losano
Studien zur Rechtstheorie 1
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2023
XII, 295 S.
ISBN 978-3-465-04628-8

Norberto Bobbio (1909–2004) was one of the most influential 20th-century legal philosophers of the Latin world, and he was considered the civil and secular conscience of Republican Italy. Early on in his intellectual development, he wrote and defended two dissertations while still in his early twenties. In 1931, he received a doctorate in legal philosophy for his thesis Philosophy and Legal Doctrine and another in 1933 in theoretical philosophy for Husserl’s Phenomenology, both from the University of Turin. This edition makes these previously unpublished texts available for the first time. His initial theoretical interest in Husserl quickly gave way to the pursuit of legal philosophy, which would remain the focus of his research: first in opposition to legal positivism and later, starting in 1949, his critical engagement with Hans Kelsen’s legal theory.