Arbeit am Konflikt. Die Lösung individueller Arbeitsstreitigkeiten im Deutschen Kaiserreich, 1890–1918
Dennis Vogt
Arbeit am Konflikt. Die Lösung individueller Arbeitsstreitigkeiten im Deutschen Kaiserreich, 1890–1918
Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 336 (Moderne Regulierungsregime 7)
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2023
X, 408 S.
ISBN 978-3-465-04543-4
The system of dependent wage labour in the context of capitalism is characterised by conflicts. These regularly come to the fore in the form of concrete disputes. Courts and other institutions dedicated to conflict resolution try to arbitrate and control them. This constitutes a process of working with the conflict, a process of negotiations between employees and employer, and with those in charge of resolving the conflict at the relevant institutions. The author casts a detailed look at both institutional and extra-institutional labour conflict resolution in the German Empire between 1890 and 1918. Based on trial records and other sources such as documents from trade courts and public legal service offices in Worms or Bad Aibling, the study shows how these institutions and their actors tackled conflict resolution, and what role labour conflicts and their resolution played in the German Empire.