Idealismus, Jurisprudenz und Politik bei Friedrich Carl von Savigny
Joachim Rückert
Idealismus, Jurisprudenz und Politik bei Friedrich Carl von Savigny
2., um „Lebensspuren Savignys“ ergänzte Auflage
Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 315, Savignyana 15
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2022
ISBN 978-3-465-04366-9
X+XVI + 584 S.

Originally published in 1984, this habilitation thesis (LMU) was quickly sold out and became difficult to find on the second-hand market. The original announcement consisted of just one sentence: ‘Based on old and newer materials, Savigny’s position within the idealistic context of his time as well as the impact on his specific understanding of jurisprudence and politics are meticulously explored and significant new findings presented.’ The reviews confirmed this succinct assessment – which still holds true today. Supplementing this unaltered reprint are ‘traces of life’ (Lebensspuren), that is, a complete chronicle containing information on his scholarly works and activities, salient sources and references as well as amendments and additions to the sources. Moreover, the indexes have been updated and expanded.