Change over time in the Iberian Worlds: stabilising regimes of normativity
Glocalising Normativities Annual Conference
- Please note that the date has changed.
- Start: Mar 20, 2023
- End: Mar 24, 2023
- Organisation: Luisa Stella Coutinho
- Location: mpilhlt

The 2022 Annual Conference of the Glocalising Normativities project will explore how legal history can offer a particular perspective for understanding legal change. Its focus lies on legal change and stability in the early modern Iberian Worlds: the territories of the Portuguese and Spanish empires in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Based on our understanding of legal history as the history of the production of normative knowledge that takes place in a continuous process of the cultural translation of discourses, practices, rules, norms and principles, we will discuss how this contributes to the stability of law or, in turn, enables change.
A full description of the conference’s topic and its conceptual framework can be found in the Call for papers.